Project: Booster compressor station "Malay" Shop A & B / total capacity 90 million m3 per day.
Products: ball valves / gate valves / valves / pumps / fittings / flanges.
Partners/Manufacturers: RMA Kehl GmbH & Co. KG. / KSB Group / Allied International S.r.l.
Project: main gas pipeline "East-West" with a length of 818 km
Products: 14 sets of pig launcher and receiver
Partners/Manufacturers: RMA Kehl GmbH & Co. KG.
Project: gas pipeline «Looping»
Products: 2 sets of pig launcher and receiver
Partners/Manufacturers: RMA Kehl GmbH & Co KG.
Project: Expansion of the Bagtyyarlyk-1 compressor station with a total capacity of 60 million m3 per day
Products: ball valves / gate valves / valves / fittings / flanges
Partners/Manufacturers: RMA Kehl GmbH & Co. KG. / Allied International S.r.l.
Project: own needs
Products: ball valves
Partners/Manufacturers: RMA Kehl GmbH & Co. KG.
Project: own needs
Products: check valves
Partners/Manufacturers: RMA Kehl GmbH & Co. KG.
Project: gas pipeline at the “Galkynysh” field
Products: 2 sets of pig launcher and receiver
Partners/Manufacturers: RMA Kehl GmbH & Co. KG.
Project: construction of the "Kiyanly" gas chemical complex
End user: SC «Turkmengaz”
Products: centrifugal pumps
Partners/Manufacturers: KSB Group
Project: construction of the Garagum Hotel
End User: Ashgabat city hall
Products: centrifugal pumps
Partners/Manufacturers: KSB Group
Project: construction of the “Garabogazkarbamid” plant
End User: SC «Turkmenhimiya»
Products: centrifugal pumps
Partners/Manufacturers: KSB Group
Project: construction of the "Arkadag" hotel
End User: Ashgabat city hall
Products: centrifugal pumps
Partners/Manufacturers: KSB Group
Dost Gurlushyk, Sowda,
Onumchilik XO
Project: construction of the "Akhal City" water treatment plant
End User: Akhal region hall
Products: centrifugal pumps
Partners/Manufacturers: KSB Group
Project: construction of the Kaka irrigation pumping station
End User: Akhal region hall
Products: centrifugal pumps
Partners/Manufacturers: KSB Group